1. 会议时间:2023年11月1日-4日。11月1日报到,11月2日-3日学术会议,11月4日离会。
2. 会议地点:上海交通大学闵行校区农生学院
中国植物生理与植物分子生物学学会 细胞与发育生物学专业委员会
1st Nov, 2:00 pm-9:00 pm Arrival and Check-in
2nd Nov | |
Session 1: Plant Organelle Biology (8:50-12:30) | |
8:50-9:00 | Remarks from the organizing committee |
9:00-9:35 | Ralph Bock(Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology,Germany) How the environment causes genetic changes in plants |
9:35-10:00 | James Whelan(Zhejiang University, China) Mitochondrial Retrograde Signalling - Transcriptionaland Post-Transcriptional Levels |
10:00-10:25 | Wataru Sakamoto(Okayama University, Japan)Thylakostasis: versatile roles of thylakoid membrane remodeling proteins in Arabidopsis chloroplasts |
10:25-10:50 | Coffee/Tea Break |
10:50-11:15 | Liwen Jiang (姜里文)(The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China) Plant COPII vesicles and stress responses |
11:15-11:40 | Zhaosheng Kong (孔照胜) (Shanxi Agriculture University, China) TBC |
11:40-12:05 | Guo-Zhang Wu (武国章)(Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China) |
12:05-12:30 | Nicolas Taylor(University of West Australia, Australia) TBC |
Session 2: Plant Development and Signaling (14:00-17:40) | |
14:00-14:35 | Eugenia (Jenny) Russinova(Gent University, Belgium) Regulation of brassinosteroid homeostasis in the Arabidopsis root |
14:35-15:00 | Hongtao Liu (刘宏涛)(CAS Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Sciences, China) The blue light photoreceptor CRY1 coordinates stomatal defense in plants |
15:00-15:25 | Toshiro Ito(Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan) From AGAMOUS to petals: senescence and size dynamics in flowers |
15:25-15:50 | Coffee/Tea Break |
15:50-16:25 | Zhenbiao Yang(杨贞标)(Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, China) Apoplastic auxin perception and signaling |
16:25-16:50 | Wen-Hui Lin (林文慧)(Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China) Spatiotemporal formation of the large vacuole regulated by the BIN2-VLG module is required for female gametophyte development in Arabidopsis |
16:50-17:15 | Xiaofeng Fang(方晓峰)(Tsinghua University) Phase separation in endomembrane trafficking in plants |
17:15-17:40 | Ahn Ji Hoon(Korea University, South Korea) Regulation of temperature-dependent fate and behavior of SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE and its subsequent degradation |
3rd Nov | |
Session 3: Plant Metabolomics (8:50-12:30) | |
8:50-9:25 | Anne Osbourn(John Innes Centre, UK)TBC |
9:25-9:50 | Daniele Werck(IBMP-CNRS, France) Plant P450 promiscuity: overlooked consequences and untapped potential |
9:50-10:15 | Guy Polturak (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel) Genomics-guided Discovery of Novel Chemical Defenses in Wheat |
10:15-10:40 | Coffee/Tea Break |
10:40-11:15 | Xiaoya Chen (陈晓亚) (CAS Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Sciences, China) Evolutionary trajectory of gossypol biosynthetic pathway |
11:15-11:40 | Hugues Renault(IBMP-CNRS, France) A glimpse of plant adaptation to land through the biopolymer lens |
11:40-12:05 | Zhenhua Liu(刘振华)(Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China) Genomic basis of triterpene diversification in plants |
12:05-12:30 | Boachon Benoît(University-st-Etienne, France) Origin of the cytosolic geranyl pyrophosphate in roses flowers for the NUDX1-dependent biosynthesis of geraniol and production of other terpenoid volatile compounds |
Session 4: Plant-Environment Interaction (14:00-17:40) | |
14:00-14:35 | Wenbo Ma(The Sainsbury Laboratory, UK) TBC |
14:35-15:00 | Savithramma Dinesh-Kumar(UC Davis, USA) Chloroplast dynamics during plant innate immunity |
15:00-15:25 | Suomeng Dong(董莎萌)(Nanjing Agriculture University, China) Oomycete plant pathogen modulates host immunity at mRNA splicing level |
15:25-15:50 | Coffee/Tea Break |
15:50-16:25 | Jianmin Zhou (周俭民) (Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS, China) Signaling from resistosome and resistosome-like channels |
16:25-16:50 | Levi Yant(University of Nottingham, UK) Impact of whole-genome duplications on structural variant evolution in the plant genus Cochlearia |
16:50-17:15 | Youshun Lin(林尤舜)(Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China) Molecular basis of thermotolerance in rice |
17:15-17:40 | Silvia Busoms Gonzalez(University Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain) Inoculation of rhizospheric microbiome from coastal soils enhance salinity tolerance in Brassica plants |
4th Nov, Departure |
注:1. 注册参加“2023植物细胞与发育生物学研讨会”时请注明是否参加“生物信息学与大数据挖掘培训”, 组委会将根据收到的注册信息取前50位报名者参加,不收取额外费用。
2. 课程介绍请见附件二。
2、 注册方式
3、 缴费方式
1. 会议论文摘要:
欢迎参会者按摘要模板(请见附件一)提供英文摘要(A4纸一页),摘要征集截止日期为2023年10月22 日,发送邮箱:yanbao@sjtu.edu.cn,逾期将不受理。
2. 海报展示:
会议将安排空间进行海报展示,注册时,请注明是否提供海报(规格宽度90 cm,高度120 cm,版面上下页边距为25 mm),海报请自行印刷,并携带至会场根据会议日程安排布展和撤展。
联系方式:涂老师(xiaoyutu@sjtu.edu.cn) 17887910626
1. 宾馆信息(请自行联系确认)
(2)上海闵行白金汉爵大酒店,上海市上海市沪闵路1577号, 电话:021-31858888
(3)上海紫竹万怡酒店,上海市闵行区紫兴路588号, 电话:021-34029000
(4)上海吴泾宝龙艺悦酒店,上海市上海市吴泾尚义路39弄1号, 电话:021-33880888
(5)沪华国际大酒店(吴泾店),上海市上海市剑川路368号, 电话:021-64508999
(1)浦东机场--上海交通大学闵行校区 地铁:2号线 → 15号线
(2)虹桥机场/火车站--上海交通大学闵行校区 地铁:2号线 → 15号线 公交:虹桥枢纽4路、虹桥枢纽5路
Introduction to Bioinformatics
Part 1 and 2: Introduction to Genomic data handling
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) data is now a mainstay of biology and bioinformatic data analysis skills are in high demand. The first session is designed to teach the fundamentals of computational biology to complete beginners. Attendees will learn how to navigate the command line and manipulate large files with Unix. The second session is designed to give hands on experience with real genomic data. Attendees will learn how to perform fundamental analyses on next generation sequencing (NGS) genomic data such as determining the genetic structure of populations (techniques such as PCAs and phylogenetic trees) and searching for adaptive genetic variation (techniques such as GWAS and PCadapt).
Part 3: Introduction to Plant Microbiome Bioinformatic Analysis
Plant-associated microorganisms are considered key drivers for plant health, productivity, community composition, and ecosystem functioning. High-throughput sequencing of marker gene amplicons is typically used to elucidate the composition, organization, and spatial distribution of microbial communities in the environment and is increasingly used in plant microbiome studies. This course is designed to teach the basics of targeted amplicon data processing and analysis using DADA2 and Phyloseq packages in R (and Rstudio). Attendees will learn how to import data, perform a quality control of the sequencing data (16S or ITS), trim sequences, infer the Amplicon Sequence Variants (ASVs), assign taxonomy, and conduct basic analyses including diversity metrics, abundance and composition comparisons, and co-occurrence networks.