
范江波 长聘教轨副教授



2012年7月,中国农业科学院植物保护研究所, 博士后;




植物不是孤立存在的,而是存在于一定的生态系统当中,植物无时无刻不与周围的大量微生物(包括病原微生物)发生着千丝万缕的联系,或互利共生,或竞争对抗。和人类一样,植物必须依靠自身的免疫系统来对抗病原微生物和平衡自身的微生物组(共生和共存的所有微生物类群)。本课题组主要研究植物的天然免疫系统,包括三个方向: 1. 植物天然免疫系统的组成、作用和调控。 2. 植物-微生物互作,研究植物与微生物相生相克、共生共荣的机制。 3. 植物细胞程序性死亡的分子机制。细胞程序性死亡处于植物抗病的核心位置,同时也是植物发育的重要机制。


Fan J, Xia Y and Wang GL. (2019) An improved heteroduplex analysis for rapid genotyping of SNPs and single base pair indels. BioTechniques, 67:6-10.(IF=2.098)
Fan J, Bai P, Ning Y, Wang J, Shi X, Xiong Y, Zhang K, He F, Zhang C, Wang R, Meng X, Zhou J, Wang M, Shirsekar G, Park CH, Bellizzi M, Liu W, Jeon JS, Xia Y, Shan L, Wang GL. (2018) The Monocot-Specific Receptor-like Kinase SDS2 Controls Cell Death and Immunity in Rice. Cell Host & Microbe. 23:498-510. (IF=17.87)
Liu W*, Fan J*, Li J, Song Y, Li Q, Zhang Y and Xue Y. (2014) SCFSLF-mediated cytosolic degradation of S-RNase is required for cross-pollen compatibility in S-RNase- based self-incompatibility in Petunia hybrida. Frontiers in Genetics. 5:228. (*Co-first author) (IF=4.15)
Wang J, Wang S, Hu K, Yang J, Xin X, Zhou W, Fan J, Cui F, Mou B, Zhang S, Wang G, Sun W. (2018) The Kinase OsCPK4 Regulates a Buffering Mechanism That Fine-Tunes Innate Immunity. Plant Physiol, 176(2):1835-1849. (IF=5.95)
Zhao H, Wang X, Jia Y, Minkenberg B, Wheatley M, Fan J, Jia M, Famoso A, Edwards J, Wamishe Y, Valent B, Wang GL, Yang Y. (2018) The Rice Blast Resistance Gene Ptr Encodes an Atypcial Protein and Required for Broad-Spectrum Disease Resistance. Nature Communications, 9: 2039. (IF=12.4)
Wang R, Ning Y, Shi X, He F, Zhang C, Fan J, Jiang N, Zhang Y, Zhang T, Hu Y, Bellizzi M, and Wang GL. (2016) Immunity to Rice Blast Disease by Suppression of Effector-Triggered Necrosis. Current Biology. 26(18):2399-2411. (IF=9.25)
Li J, Zhang Y, Song Y, Zhang H, Fan J, Li Q, Zhang D, Xue Y. (2016) Electrostatic potentials of the S-locus F-box proteins contribute to the pollen S specificity in self-incompatibility in Petunia hybrida. Plant J. 89(1):45-57. (IF=5.78)
Ning Y, Shi X, Wang R, Fan J, Park CH, Zhang C, Zhang T, Ouyang X, Li S, Wang GL. (2015) OsELF3-2, an Ortholog of Arabidopsis ELF3, Interacts with the E3 Ligase APIP6 and Negatively Regulates Immunity against Magnaporthe oryzae in Rice. Molecular Plant. 8(11):1679-82. (IF=9.32)
Shirsekar GS, Vega-Sanchez ME, Bordeos A, Baraoidan M, Swisshelm A, Fan J, Park CH, Leung H, Wang GL. (2014) Identification and characterization of suppressor mutants of spl11- mediated cell death in rice. Mol Plant Microbe Interact. 27(6):528-36. (IF=3.59)