
林文慧 研究员


1996年-2000年, 厦门大学,理学学士;

2000年-2005年, 中国科学院上海生命科学研究院植物生理生态研究所,理学博士。


2005/10-2007/11,博士后,美国加州大学伯克利分校植物与微生物系,合作导师:Prof. Renee Sung;

2007/12-2008/2,博士后,美国斯坦福卡耐基植物研究所, 合作导师:Dr. Zhiyong Wang;


2014/5月-今,研究员、博士生导师,上海交通大学生命科学与技术学院。其中2015/9-2016/9,国家留学基金委公派访问学者(CSC),美国加州大学伯克利分校植物与微生物系。合作导师:Prof. Sheng Luan

  1. 植物激素调控胚珠发生和种子数量的分子机制;  

  2. 植物激素调控雌配子体和胚胎发育的细胞学机制;

  3. 油菜素甾醇(Brassinosteroids, BR) 调节植物生长发育和种子产量的机制。


A secretory phospholipase D hydrolyzes phosphatidylcholine to suppress rice heading time. Qu L, Chu YJ, Lin WH*, Xue HW*. (2021). PLoS Genetics. 17(12): e1009905.
Interaction of brassinosteroid and cytokinin promotes ovule initiation and increases seed number per silique in Arabidopsis. Zu SH, Jiang YT, Chang JH, Zhang YJ, Xue HW, Lin WH*. (2021). J Integr Plant Biol. doi: 10.1111/jipb.13197.
A Cucumber NAM Domain Transcription Factor Promotes Pistil Development in Arabidopsis. Pan J, Wen HF, Lin WH* and Pan JS*. (2021). Molecular Horticulture. 1:10.
Wu P, Gao HB, Zhang LL, Xue HW and Lin WH*. Phosphatidic acid regulates AtBZR1 activity and brassinosteroid signal. Molecular Plant. 7(2): 445-447.
Single-cell transcriptome atlas and chromatin accessibility landscape reveal differentiation trajectories in the rice root. Zhang TQ*, Chen Y, Liu Y, Lin WH, Wang JW*. (2021). Nature Communication. 6;12(1):2053.
Pan J, Wen H, Chen G, Lin WH, Du H, Chen Y, Zhang L, Lian H, Wang G, Cai R, Pan J. A positive feedback loop mediated by CsERF31 initiates female cucumber flower development. (2021). Plant Physiology. doi: 10.1093/plphys/kiab141.
Asynchrony of Ovule Primordia Initiation in Arabidopsis. Yu SX, Zhou LW, Hu LQ, Jiang YT, Zhang YJ, Feng SL, Jiao Y, Xu L, and Lin WH*. (2020). Development. 147, dev196618.
Genome-Wide Association Analysis Identifies Candidate Genes Regulating Seed Number Per Silique in Arabidopsis thaliana. Jiang HL, Hong J, Jiang Yu SX, Zhang YJ, Shi JX, Lin WH*. (2020). Plants (Basel). 9(5): 585. doi: 10.3390/plants9050585.
Two Tonoplast Proton Pumps Function in Arabidopsis Embryo Development. Jiang YT, Tang RJ, Zhang YJ, Xue HW, Ferjani A, Luan S* and Lin WH*. (2019). New Phytologist. 225(4):1606-1617 doi: 10.1111/nph.16231.
Effective Modulating Brassinosteroids Signal to Study Their Specific Regulation of Reproductive Development and Enhance Yield. Zu SH, Jiang YT, Hu LQ, Zhang YJ, Chang JH, Xue HW, and Lin WH*. (2019). Frontiers in Plant Science. 19 (10): 980.
Simple Culture Methods and Treatment to Study Hormonal Regulation of Ovule Development. Li BF, Yu SX, Hu LQ, Zhang YJ, Zhai N, Xu L, and Lin WH*. (2018). Frontiers in Plant Science. 18(9):784.
OsGATA7 modulates brassinosteroids-mediated growth regulation and influences architecture and grain shape. Zhang YJ, Zhang Y, Zhang LL, Huang HY, Yang BJ, Luan S, Xue HW, and Lin WH*. (2018). Plant Biotechnology Journal. 16(7): 1261-1264.
Yang BJ, Lin WH (co-first author), Fu FF, Xu ZH, and Xue HW. (2017). Receptor-like protein ELT1 Regulates Rice Growth by Promoting Brassinosteroid Signaling through Interacting with BRI1. Cell Research. 27(9):1182-1185.
Zhang Y, Zhang YJ, Yang BJ, Yu XX, Wang D, Zu SH, Xue HW & Lin WH*. 2016. Functional characterization of GmBZL2 (AtBZR1 like gene) reveals the conserved BR signaling regulation in Glycine max. Scientific Reports. 6(1):31134
Zhao J, Liu JS, Meng FN, Zhang ZZ, Long H, Lin WH, Luo XM, Wang ZY, and Zhu SW. 2016. ANAC005 is a membrane-associated transcription factor and regulates vascular development in Arabidopsis. J. Integrative Plant Biology. J Integr Plant Biol. 58(5):442-51.
Multiple functions of the vacuole in plant growth and fruit quality. Jiang YT, Yang LH, Ferjani A, Lin WH*. Molecular Horticulture. 1:4.
Designed Manipulation of the Brassinosteroid Signal to Enhance Crop Yield. Lin WH*. (2020) Front Plant Sci. 11:854. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00854
Jiang WB and Lin WH*. 2013. Brassinosteroid functions in Arabidopsis seed development. Plant Signaling & Behavior. 8(10): e25928
专著:植物激素作用的分子机理(主编:许智宏、薛红卫,2012),编委。 第六章《油菜素甾醇》,林文慧(第一作者)、王志勇*